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Relationship Ambassador

(More than one Relationship Ambassador may be identified, but no more than 4 may round out your Activation Team)

Relationship Ambassadors (RA) round out your activation team. They are selected and identified from your employee  base to represent your company and your brand within the BCA culture. Relationship Ambassadors are approved to   build 1:1 relationships with other Member Company Relationship Ambassadors, but must be orientated on the BCA culture prior to doing so.

RA’s will end up creating their own circles of influence and will help your company move the needle with relationships with other member companies. Constant communication with your Relationship Ambassadors is important, via your Administrator  or directly to the Decision Maker. It is important that information and knowledge about what is going on with and around your Relationship Ambassadors is regularly communicated.


  • Must be employed by the Member Company
  • Must attend the New Member Orientation. If a Relationship Ambassador is hired or identified after the  New Member Orientation, they must attend one of the regularly scheduled Membership Orientation Sessions.
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