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Intro to Affinity Groups (Official)

Affinity Groups are officially recognized subgroups within BCA; formed around a shared interest or common goal (click here see how to have your group officially recognized). Affinity groups are made up of individual participants who’ve been invited and formally commit to the guidelines the particular group. They are created and managed by BCA Members.


Full ownership of Affinity Groups lies with the members, BCA is NOT involved in creation, vision or execution.

Affinity Groups can be based on a common hobby, industry involvement or a shared concern for a given issue, there are no limits.

Examples of Affinity Groups include:

  • Real Estate Mastermind group
  • PA Suburbs Peer Group
  • Wine Lovers
  • Reading Circle
  • Golf Club
  • Young Professionals Club
  • Political Activism Group

To offer members the opportunities to connect and build stronger bonds beyond the traditional structures offered by BCA. Affinity Groups promote camaraderie among members and further BCA’s objective to inspire genuine, selfless relationships.

As it relates to BCA, there are two types of Affinity Groups:
1. Officially recognized BCA Affinity Groups
a. Receive specified benefits and support from BCA (as stated in section 3)
b. Must meet certain criteria and maintain requirements (as stated in section 4)
2. Independent groups
a. Do not receive any benefits from BCA
b. Not obligated to adhere to requirements and criteria


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