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9. Exclusivity

9. Respect Exclusivity. BCA Commitment #9 is Respect Exclusivity. It is understood that members will respect the category exclusive relationship that BCA Philadelphia has with all members. Member must remain sensitive to their category and the category contractually “owned” by their fellow members.

9.1 Members are permitted to bring guests (to an official BCA event) who compete with an existing members category. Members are asked to always use their best judgement when doing so.

9.1.1 If bringing a guest who competes, we ask that the member ensures their guest respects the company who exclusively represents the category.

9.1.2 It highly encouraged for the member to place a courtesy call to the fellow member with whom their guest competes and give them a heads up.

9.1.3 Make sure your guest is aware of our culture. Share the cultural and guest policies.

9.2 In the case of a member-hosted event (i.e., Speaker Reception, March Madness Event or other custom event ), no guest who competes within the host-members exclusive category will be permitted.


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