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(Only ONE Administrator must be identified)

An Administrator is assigned by a Decision Maker to coordinate their membership activity and manage their Maintenance Points inventory internally at your company. It is not uncommon at smaller companies for a Decision Maker to also play the Administrator role.  In some cases, you may also find that a Relationship Ambassador may fit the role of the Administrator.


  • Internally managing the BCA Membership at your Company
  • Receiving  BCA Invitations,  discussing strategic use of the respective  seats/invites with the Decision Maker and managing use and registration of those seats/invites.
  • Receiving and internally distributing all BCA Information and initiatives
  • Measure feedback from seat/invite users
  • Maintain updated and accurate information as it relates to your company’s list of Designated BCA contacts and employees and contact information
  • Assist with managing the number of contacts using the membership / who have online accounts under your Member Company. Only people within your company are permitted to have  an online account and utilize the membership benefits.


  • Must be employed by the Member Company
  • Must  attend  the New  Member Orientation.  If Administrator is hired  after the New Member Orientation or a new Administrator  is designated mid-agreement, then the Administrator must be orientated via phone and attend one of the regularly scheduled Membership Orientation Sessions.
  • Although not required, we recommend the Administrator attend at least one (1) BCA event annually if possible.

Ideal qualities of an Administrator

  • Strong Organizational skills and Detail orientated
  • Strong relationship (direct access) with Decision Maker
  • Ability to plan ahead
  • Ability to hold people accountable
  • Great cross-departmental communication skills internally at your company
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